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Day 2: More Spider Fun!

Our second day of targeting /sp/ included more spidery adventures.

Day two of spiders! We read I Love Spiders by John Parker. I like to choose sound-loaded books for the target of the day. Lots of repetition of the sound is great auditory bombardment and gives plenty of articulation practice opportunities as we discuss the book.
The I Love Spiders Book with ivines flowers on the red cover and teo brown spiders at the bottom.
I Love Spiders by John Parker
I Love Spiders repeats the word “spiders” over and over. Perfect! It has adorable illustrations, simple text and describes spiders with simple adjectives. We learn basic concepts and opposites too, as the book talks about spiders who are round/flat, young/old, fat/thin and more!
Descriptive concepts and opposites to talk about! 
I have a larger group in my preschool program (It can be up to 10), and not everyone may need the target of the week. Research tells us that kids with speech and language delays are at higher risk for difficulty with phonological awareness skills and reading skills, so everyone benefits from the phonological awareness emphasis of the target sound(s) throughout the session.
During centers, my kids come to “teacher time” for one on one practice with me. Each child practices his or her specific targets with me, but everyone gets to do the activity. And if you haven’t read my previous posts, don’t worry, I am not doing 10 kids by myself! (Do not, I repeat, do not try that by yourself) I have an awesome assistant and the kids rotate in centers for about an hour. It’s during that time they each come to me for individualized practice.

Spider Activities in Speech therapy
Dot marker page from my Itsy Bitsy Spider Unit
We practiced our articulation words again, and this time we got to use tongs to give the spider some juicy bugs. Only one bug per word, so the kids were anxious to practice! I always have the kids repeat their word 5 times, to get in plenty of repetition.
Speech Therapy Itsy Bitsy Spider Unit
Plurals practice and a fun puzzle game too!

Our phonological kids need practice with grammatical word endings too. We practiced plurals, initial and final s-clusters with this fun  plurals game.But look! There are spiders all over the farm? Where is the spider? “On the horses ear…” I try to grab every opportunity during an activity to work on those tricky wh? questions.

I have an old Fischer Price farm set. We got it out and placed those plastic spiders everywhere. More where? opportunities. Plenty of fun, hands-on practice with prepositions.

Finally, we sang the Itsy Bitsy Spider Song and then read it with my Itsy Bitsy Spider Flipbook. We talked about top/bottom and middle, and everyone got a turn to put the velcroed spider on the spout to show those position concepts.

Itsy Bitsy Spider for Speech Therapy
Itsy Bitsy Spider Interactive Flipbook

The printables are from my Itsy Bitsy Spider Unit. You can see the unit here:
 Itsy Bitsy Spider Speech Therapy Language and Articulation Unit.

If you try any of these activities or have some great spider activities of your own, I would love to hear from you! Till next time, watch out for creepy crawlies!

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