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Do You Make Professional New Years Resolutions?

What are your professional goals for 2015?

 New Year’s Day is a great time to reflect on your professional year, and chart a fresh start! Are there ways you would like to grow professionally this year? The American-Speech-Language-Hearing Association posed the question in January’s ASHA Leader. Check out page 63 to see my resolution and those of many of my blogger buddies!
Challenge yourself to meet your goals this year. Do you need to get organized, increase collaboration, want to start a new initiative? Grow through additional professional training? Improve communication with parents, students or clients? 
Setting goals helps make us accountable to ourselves, and yikes! Seeing it in print makes me feel that I am more likely to get  those goals accomplished. You can do it too, so get out some paper, write down a few goals and post them where you will see them. Better yet, share with some professional friends and I bet you will stay on top of it.

Here’s a cute “contract” to get you started.

 Free for you. Just right click and choose “save image as”. Name it and save to your documents. Then print.

Good luck and best wishes for a very Happy New Year from Speech Sprouts!

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