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15 Terrific Free Hanukkah Speech Therapy Ideas for Teletherapy

15 Free Hanukkah Speech Therapy Ideas for Teletherapy  by Speech Sprouts. A blue and white image with a Star of David garland.

I rounded up free Hanukkah ideas and resources that are easy for you to share in teletherapy this December.

This year is nearly behind us, and I can’t wait. For many SLPs, switching to teletherapy in 2020 was brand new, and has definitely not been without its challenges. It’s been tough dealing with all the changes that the pandemic has caused. But the holidays will soon be here, and it won’t be long until we’ll be seeing 2020 in the rearview mirror.
At Thanksgiving time, many of you reached out and told me how helpful my November post was: 29 Terrific FREE Thanksgiving Speech Therapy Ideas for Teletherapy.
So for the winter holidays, I searched for fun activities for both Hanukkah and Christmas. I want to save you some time, and hopefully help you have a more relaxed and joyful December this year.
You’re in the right place for Hanukkah ideas, check out my next post for Christmas ideas.

I’ve got you covered with some fun ideas to talk about Hanukkah in your speech and language teletherapy sessions.

Here we go…

Hannukah Books for Speech Therapy

Hanukkah in Alaska by Stacey Schuett  Read by actress Molly Ephraim on Storyline Online.
This lovely story combines a peek at wintertime life in Alaska with the traditions of Hanukkah. Great for vocabulary and wh questions. Compare/ contrast how winter may look different where you live.
 Shmelf discovers that while Hanukkah and Christmas traditions are different, they are really awesome too! Another fun opportunity for compare and contrast.
You’ll find lots of rhyme and rhythm in this story and opportunities to talk about Hanukkah vocabulary.
Hanukkah Bear by Eric A. Kimmel
Bubba Brayna, who can’t see well, mistakes Old Bear for the Rabbi who she was expecting to come to visit. Will she figure it out? A fun story that would be great for reading level students to help you read.
Latke The Lucky Dog by Ellen Fischer
A cute story of a shelter dog that is adopted as a Hanukkah present. Latke means well, but tends to get in all kinds of trouble! A fun story for talking about feelings, prediction, and answering Why? questions: Why did mom get mad at Latke?

Hanukkah Games:

Hanukkah Open-ended Games Freebie  is an awesome Boom Cards Freebie by Mia McDaniel
Hanukkah Dot to Dot by Primary Games.
Share it and use your annotation tools to create the dreidel for a fun motivational activity. Primary Games has more Hanukkah activities, but be aware there are a ton of pop-up ads on this site.

Hanukkah Songs for Kids on YouTube:

The Kiboomers have a great collection!

Dreidel, Dreidel, Dreidel,  by the Learning Station, combines the song with a cute story. After listening to the story, work on Wh questions and l-blends (clay, play).
Dreidel Pokey by the Kiboomers is fun for Hanukkah vocabulary!
Hanukkah is Here by the Kiboomers is sung to the tune of Farmer in the Dell. It’s a nice slow rendition for your littlest ones to follow along.
I Like to Eat Latkes by the Kiboomers
What do you like to eat with your latkes? Repeats eat and great for final consonant deletion and r-blend practice.
Practice counting and initial /k/ (repeats candles) with this song.
Light the Candles Bright by the Kiboomers is easy to follow. It repeats “jump up and down” making it fun for a short movement break!
Tip: If you enjoy these activities, it’s a good idea to pin the post to your Pinterest boards so it’s easy for you to find them again next year.
15 Free Hanukkah Speech Therapy Ideas for Teletherapy. This picture shows 4 dreidels on a short stool.

I hope this helps with your December planning.

Be sure to take a look at my next post if you’re needing Christmas-themed ideas for teletherapy.
These posts are my little gift from me to you. May your December be cozy and warm, with a little extra time to enjoy.
Happy Holidays!

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